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Download tom anderson beavis and butt head do america

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Beavis: Wait a minute, you know, that's not true, Butt-head, we can see a lot of butts. What's happening down there guys? Butt-head: Uhh, this sucks, Loder, we can't see anything. Butt-head: Cut the crap, Beavis you still owe me a dollar! Beavis: Help! Help! Who are you!?! " Beavis and Butt-head Do Thanksgiving" Kurt Loder: This just in, our guest reporters Beavis and Butt-head are on the scene. Come on Beavis, let's go… Beavis: Hey, let go, pervert! We still have to give out Gingerbread Men. Beavis: Uuuuummm, have we met before, sir? Butt-head: It's me, you bunghole! Beavis: Uuuummm, what's a bunghole? Butt-head: You're a bunghole, bunghole! Stewart: Hey, Cro magnon, you can't use a word to define one self. Butt-head: Shut up, Stewart! Come on, Beavis, let's go. This is great! īutt-head: Hey Beavis, let's get out of here… Stewart: Hey, no cutters buddy. Now share it with your brothers and sisters. Sorry I'm late, but Beavis wouldn't let me off. McVicker: Uhhhh, merry Christmas, everybody. Butt-head: Uh, cool! Huh huh huh, clean the grill, McVicker! Heh heh, and, um, Butt-head is in charge, because he's got…"sen-ror-ity" or something. So you two have to stay here and work late. Hell, I'd like to go home and spank my monkey! In fact, heh heh, that's a pretty good idea. " Beavis and Butt-head Do Christmas" Beavis: Yeah well it's like, we'd all like to go home. Todd Ianuzzi: Yeah, let's take this little turd out into the country. Todd Ianuzzi: Oh, you think this is funny? Butt-head: Yeah…so let's like, go kick some ass. Todd Ianuzzi: Hey man, move your ass off the street! Beavis: Are you threatening me?! Todd Ianuzzi: What'd you say?! Beavis: Do not underestimate the power of the almighty bunghole! Todd Ianuzzi: This is messed up man.

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Well John Thomas! How long's it been? You still got Dick's number? Tom Anderson: Now what in the hell are you two boys supposed to be? Beavis: I'm a nad. Butt-head: uh-huh-huh-huh, These are my special monkey-sheets. " A Very Special Christmas With Beavis and Butt-head" " Bungholio: Lord of the Harvest" Beavis: Hey Butt-head…These sheets smell funny. 4 "Beavis and Butt-head Do Thanksgiving".3 "Beavis and Butt-head Do Christmas".1 "A Very Special Christmas With Beavis and Butt-head".

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